March 27, 2007

i was lost but i know my directions....

so i havent blogged in a long time....i have a myspace and so i kinda forgot about my blog but im going to start postin again...
but anyways...this kinda goes along with kevins most of you know my life took a huge turn when me and keivn broke up and i was pretty dependent on him.whatever problem i had i went to him and he was there for me and helped me out.well when we broke up it hit me pretty hard because when i had a problem i didnt know who to go to.and before kevin helped me find God i was pretty much doing whatever he did. drinkin, havin sex, gettin into trouble.and i hated it. and now its startin to get alot better.when we were together if i screwed up he was there to yell at me and tell i did wrong and help me out and would pretty much make me feel bad for what i did and i would think you knowif hes this mad at me what would God thinkwhat about my parents his know.and when i thought about them it killed me because i dont want to disappoint any of them. and i did and i know i did. and now when i get invited to parties orto go smoke weed(which ive never done before thats why they wanted me to do it)i think to myself you know if kevin got that upset with me over something kinda big but not this big what would he say now...what would my parent,his parents,my friends, my family, my church, you know what would they say.and then it hits me what would God say. and then when that comes to me i can flat out say no.they might call me names or whatever but that doesnt matter.God, my friends and family and my church are amazing.&& love yall so much! i was lost but i know my directions...thanks to you guys.

February 11, 2007

the weather...

so its suppose to snow alot and i hope we get it so we will have no school...thats the only reason why i dont like that cold weather but if it gets us out of school.yay for it.but im ready for the warm ready to go fishin.and of coarse.....WEAR MY FLIP-FLOPS!!!so yeah i cant wait!!!

February 05, 2007


so i finally got my computer now i can post again!!!! how about them COLTS!!!!! i am so glad they bears.but anyways i thought they were going to lose because they were playin like crap at first but of course they pulled it together and won the SUPER BOWL!!!so yeah it is nice to be posting again!! love you guys