March 09, 2006

Please Pray

Last Saturday my bestfriend Bailey got in a really bad wreck.she hit a telephone pole head on and it flipped her car up making it hit the pole.Her car fell back to the ground and when it did the pole broke and fell on her car again and made it flip.She saw smoke coming from the front of the car and knew she had to get out or it could blow up.the bad thing is...she doesnt know how she got out.she thought she climbed out the driver window but in the picture the police took theres no way she did because driver side is on the ground.she remembers trying to call home but not knowing how to use the phone.she stood there for 45 mintutes(it happened at 8:00 in the morning) until somebody came by and helped her. she has a bad concusion and she doesnt even remember leaving her gets worse...a few days ago Bailey's sister calls and they had to rush her baby neice to Riley Hospital.she has a staff infection in her neck and they might have to do surgery on her.she's not even 5 months old.Jada has been on medicine but it wasnt helping you all know that it can kill if you would pray for Bailey and Jada.if you would like to leave a comment on her blog it Thank you very much.

1 comment:

amyc08 said...

dont worry we will keep both them in our prayer s adn everything will be ok luv ya -amy