May 22, 2006

Well, his wish came true. today was his last day of school and his last year of high school.I'm so glad that I have got to spend the last 2 well almost 2 years of my life with Kevin. he has taught me and helped me with some much stuff in my life.I'm glad that i got to spend the last 2 years of his high school years.I've got to watch him really suceed in some much and it has really been a blessing to have him in my will take alot for us to keep this relationship going but I really believe we can do it.I dont think it would be so hard if i was up there but we are going to try are hardest to keep this going.I love Kevin so much and I am so proud of him. I wish that I would have been there this year to spend his last year with him. he has been such an inspiration to me.and he is a big part of my life and i hope he always will be.I look forward to sharing his special day and hopefully my life with you.I love you Kevin and I'm so proud of you!love Annie

1 comment:

AmyJo said...

Well, it's just about time you posted a new one! Geesh!

lol. just kidding. Good to see you back on here.